Brexit has also changed the distribution requirements for UK fund managers in the EU. PE-Magazine author Sebastian Käpplinger talks about this to Rachel Fenwick (LaSalle). more…
Technology Transfer Funds – Bridging the Gap between Science and Business
At MUPET 2020, Raluca Deaconu of the European Investment Fund (EIF) and PE-Magazin-author and P+P-lawyer Dr. Simon Schachinger discussed how technology transfer funds can help to build a bridge from basic research to marketable products. more…
Regulation of Private Equity Funds in the US – What European Fund Managers should know
The US market is also an interesting investment target for German and European fund managers. But the legal regulation is complex. more…
ILPA Best Practices in 2020 – Principles 3.0, Model LPA, DDQ and Sublines
The Institutional Limited Partner Association (ILPA) regularly publishes recommendations and concrete contractual clauses for the structuring of private equity funds, the next revision is planned for this summer. A video workshop as part of MUPET 2020 will explore these plans. more…
Fund Secondaries 2019 – Managers drive the market
Market trends on the secondary market are one of the core topics of every MUPET. This year, the panel of experts led by Tarek Mardini and Dr Stephan Schade (both P+P) focused on the strong increase in GP-led transactions. more…
European private equity – Thriving in a time of change
In economically and politically turbulent times, the European private equity market remains strong. At MUPET 2019, Michael Collins, CEO of Invest Europe, spoke about the success factors. more…